Meet Your Coach

Carol Muleta

I am a mom of twins.

Raising my uniquely spirited twins propelled me on a journey of discovery that I hadn’t expected. I was outmanned and overwhelmed as I navigated the complexities of their distinct personalities. That is until I took a deep dive into human development and behavior through books, lectures, and workshops. My genuine curiosity about how to guide my then-toddler boys led me to the teachings of noted psychologist Alfred Adler when I ventured into parenting classes. Along the way, I uncovered the beautiful synergy between positive discipline (which derives from Adlerian psychology) and my spiritual journey.

My quest wasn’t just for the sake of knowledge—it became a deeply personal mission. I came to see parenthood not as a mere duty, but a divine calling. In service to this calling, I abandoned plans to return to a career in corporate marketing and trained to become a certified parent educator and consultant. I also served on the board of a highly regarded parent education organization in my area. Courageous decisions and fortuitous connections led me down the path to where I am today. After co-founding a parent education company, I served parents through workshops, consultations and a parenting radio show. Today, I oversee The Parenting 411, a parent resource hub, where I’ve expanded my reach to include webinars, keynotes, and books. I’m also the voice behind The Parenting 411 Podcast, serving invaluable parenting insights as I explore various aspects of parenting and family life with leading thinkers, spanning areas such as child development, education, communication, mental health, and relationships, to name a few. I consider it a privilege to provide tools and resources aimed at empowering parents to connect with their children, nurture their healthy growth, and cultivate self-discipline while enjoying the unpredictable, yet life-changing ride that is parenting.

My journey has seen me honored as the 2019 District of Columbia Mother of the Year® and as the Radio Personality of the Year at SpeakerCon 2019. I’m also a 6x best-selling author and a sought-after speaker, reaching parents through various mediums. But amidst all these accomplishments, my greatest pride and joy remain my twin sons, who have grown into incredible young adults.


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